U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) today [Friday] announced in the Federal Register that the CBP Revenue Division is accepting fiscal year 2009 claims for antidumping and countervailing duties.
The notice list all domestic producers who are entitled to file a claim under the Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 (CDSOA). The purpose of this law is to disburse anti-dumping and countervailing duties collected by CBP to domestic producers injured by foreign dumping and subsidies.
Any domestic producer who is entitled to file a claim under the CDSOA must file their claim with the CBP Revenue Division no later than July 28.
The notice gives detailed instructions and requirements to be followed to ensure timely filing of claims. In order to be considered timely filed, the CBP Revenue Division must receive all fiscal year 2009 claims no later than July 28.
Any certifications received after July 28 will not be eligible to receive a distribution.
Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 Certification, CBP Form 7401, may be used to apply for CDSOA distribution. This form is available at http://www.pay.gov and can also be found attached to the May 29 Federal Register Notice. This certification can be submitted electronically through www.pay.gov or by mail.