Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Agreements Between Canada and Switzerland

(Prime Minister’s Office)
One of Canada’s top-20 international air travel markets, Switzerland is an important aviation partner for Canada. In this context, Canada and Switzerland have successfully concluded negotiations toward an Open Skies-type air transportation agreement, which modernizes the 1975 agreement (last amended in 2002) to better reflect today’s market realities.

The agreement now contains expanded operating rights for airlines from Canada and Switzerland to operate air transportation between each other’s territory and third countries, in conjunction with scheduled passenger and/or all-cargo air services between the two countries. It also enables airlines to adjust their prices with greater flexibility to meet current market conditions.

Overall, the agreement provides more flexibility for airlines and airports to consider commercial opportunities, facilitates greater economic activity, strengthens ties with Switzerland and ultimately benefits passengers and shippers by allowing more flight options and routings. Read more here.