Tuesday, April 21, 2009

CBP to Deactivate Older NEXUS Frequent Traveler Cards


U.S. Customs and Border Protection today announced it will cancel old NEXUS cards for current NEXUS members on May 1.

CBP has been mailing new NEXUS cards to all members since November. The new cards have enhanced security features and allow U.S. and Canadian citizen cardholders to comply with the documentary requirements of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative.

All members must activate their new cards within 30 days, verify and update their U.S. mailing address by going to the GOES page on the CBP website.

NEXUS members should destroy their old cards after activating their new ones. If members have not received their new cards, they should go to their local enrollment center to either pick up their new card or to apply to have a new card issued. Old cards will be deactivated May 1.

NEXUS is a joint CBP-Canada Border Services Agency program that both governments implemented to enhance border security while simplifying the entry process for pre-approved, low-risk travelers. It was established in 2002 and approximately 280,000 members participate in the program.

A similar program called Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection (SENTRI) serves citizens of the U.S. on the southern border.