Friday, May 28, 2010

Greenhouse Bell Peppers, Preliminary Injury Inquiry (No. PI-2009-005)


IN THE MATTER OF a preliminary injury inquiry, pursuant to subsection 34(2) of the Special Import Measures Act, respecting:

Greenhouse Bell Peppers Originating In or Exported From The Netherlands

Preliminary Determination Of Injury

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal, under the provisions of subsection 34(2) of the Special Import Measures Act, has conducted a preliminary injury inquiry into whether the evidence discloses a reasonable indication that the dumping of greenhouse bell peppers originating in or exported from the Netherlands has caused injury or retardation or is threatening to cause injury.

This preliminary injury inquiry is pursuant to the notification, on March 22, 2010, that the President of the Canada Border Services Agency had initiated an investigation into the alleged injurious dumping of the above-mentioned goods.

Pursuant to subsection 37.1(1) of the Special Import Measures Act, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal hereby determines that there is evidence that discloses a reasonable indication that the dumping of the above-mentioned goods has caused injury.

This Determination is available on the CITT website here.