Monday, April 19, 2010

Ash Cloud Halts Northern European Air Cargo – No End in Sight

(Video: RT News • Story: Transport Intelligence)

The eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland has had an extraordinary effect on the air transport system of northern Europe. Since Thursday the air space of first Britain, Norway, the Netherlands and now Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Sweden and Switzerland have been shut to all commercial traffic. The suspension of activity is set to continue into at least the beginning of the week. Further disruption seems likely as the volcano will certainly continue to erupt. […]

The obvious reaction by logistics planners will be to use other modes of transport. This is not as difficult as it might first appear. Air freight for traffic within Europe is of secondary importance.

Although the location of a number of very large airports, it is often just as quick to move goods within Europe by road. A good example of this is traffic between Britain and France. This route has access to good ferry services and roads. These can easily be stretched to more distant locations such as Spain or Germany. Read more here.


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