Thursday, November 12, 2009

Audit of the MOU Between the CBSA and the CFIA


The portion of the CFIA responsibility for traveller and initial inspection services at all Canadian ports of entry for food, plants and animals (FPAs) and related products was transferred to the CBSA by Order-in-Council in 2003. The CBSA is responsible for the initial import inspection services set out in Section 11 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act to the extent that they are applicable at airports and Canadian border points. […]

The audit found that the CBSA was partially meeting its obligations under the MOU as the control framework to support FPA-related border activities was not complete. While the FPA-related procedures in effect were adequate for wood packaging given the risk exposure, the procedures in effect for international waste and soil, performance monitoring and reporting, and risk management needed to be improved. Read the complete statement here.