Sunday, May 3, 2009

Obama is Proving a Dangerous Man For Canada

(Don Martin — National Post)

We’ve been blacklisted as copyright pirates, blasted as a northern terrorist haven, been forced to squander billions on a matching Chrysler car company bailout and endure rising protectionism through sneaky “Buy American” policies and environmental safeguards.

The conclusion is hard to miss as irritants pile up across our southern border: U.S. President Barack Obama is becoming Canada’s worst political nightmare.

That’s a hard swallow because the man is so darn charismatic, and he proclaimed with great sincerity his love for Canada.

But behind the folksy, 1,000-watt smile lurks a president who is guiding a hostile Congress against us and appointing unfriendlies to implement policies that could soon turn those welcome-to-Canada smiles from just ten weeks ago into worried frowns.

Read the complete editorial here.

Update: Video (CBC News) from last Thursday’s broadcast of The National.

Myth buster, my eye! More like a one-woman storehouse of misconceptions, pseudo-facts, stale rumours and flat-out ignorance, says Rex Murphy.